Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Wish list

Ok, I will be purchasing both these items in the spring (they don't belong to my "in the future" wish list but my "right now" list). I have linked to the prods...just click on the names.

1. Bigger flex rods. These are 1 1/8 inches. Right now I have some tiny sizes and I cannot use them anymore. It takes nearly (if not more than) 1 hour for me to put in the little ones I have (I must admit they don't take very long to dry).

2. Cellophanes. In Gold red. I have used Sebastian cellophanes to rinse/condition my hair before and I loved it. Since I have given up on henna (I am scurrred!) I have decided to go back to cellophanes.

I would like to use the cellophanes for my April relaxer and the flexi rod sometime before that.

I should mention my hair has been under my tam all day. It is FREEZING in my office and since I had no meetings today or anything for that matter, I felt it was ok to leave my hair under the tam. Tonight I'm gonna apply DC to my dry hair, head to gym, then co wash and air dry after. Moisture is the name of the game.


For Jade - this is with the orange sized (back in 2004)


  1. when you use flex rods how does your hair come out?

  2. I'm gonna post a pic for you as an update (it is VERY old...2004)

  3. thank you for making the update lol

    i might have to buy some, your hair looks cute!
