Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Daily check in: after braidouts

My hair looks great in a braidout but there is always more hair coming out in the shower and comb after a braidout thatn my straight styles and bun...I don't think I know how to handle my hair after. If someone could offer some help/advice.....

Anyhow, I am home today for the inauguration so I DC'd overnight (Nexxus and vatika) and am airdrying in a bun right now.

airdrying w scarf


  1. I would say that your braid out should be more moisturized. That is one thing, but also cinsider that your not combing your hair during the braidout process and styling so it could be regular/normal shedding.

    Post braidout, I do a braidout bun, a cowash, or I rebraid for the next day(I do six cornrows straight back so it's not time consuming at all).
    I hope this helps.

  2. Thanks! Next time I think I'm gonna do a twistout since it has less waves (tangling possibility)...I'm going do super moisture and see how that comes out
