Thursday, January 29, 2009

Decisions, decisions

So I was feeling really lazy last night after the gym so I barely sprayed my hair, tied it down and put the bonnet on. I m&s during the day, didn't have the energy to do it after or even to take down my bun.

Anyhoo, I am 7 weeks post (3 to go, 5 if I'm really good) and I still haven't totally made up my mind what relaxer I should use. The last 2 or 3 relaxers with my Just for Me no lye (which I have been using for about 8 years) has left my hair dry and tangled...I have to baby it back to softness after. I have never ever used a lye relaxer but something is telling me to try one. I am so undecided. I have read so much about relaxer these past 7 weeks and it really hasn't helped me to make a decision. I'm not sure what brand, and I'm still not sure if lye or no-lye.

Pros of lye:
-easier on hair and I really want the focus to be on my hair health. I think if I base enough and add a little EVOO or coconut oil to the relaxer, my scalp will be fine.

-I'm scuurrred!!! I have been completely brainwashed into thinking the worst of lye relaxers. That they'll destroy my hair and leave me bald.

Do they have a kiddie relaxer that is lye??

The next issue I am having is whether to go to the cheapie Dominican place or have one of my friends relax my hair. I am not sure how the cheapie place will detangle and treat my hair but the results are so beautiful. Is it worth it? My friends do an ok job and so my hair comes out looking just ok but I get to detangle it myself with care. Basically I'm trying to decide if for my relaxer, I should choose beauty over proper care. Keep in mind I could start doing weekly medium protein treatments (the 2 minute kind) to build up my hair in preparation....

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