Thursday, April 15, 2010

Confession: I cannot braid

I taught myself a little but I really don't do a good job (see here). So my braid outs have always been plait outs or twist outs, sad to say.

Look what I found though...TUTORIAL

A really helpful tutorial too! Maybe, just maybe I can learn properly. I will make the effort and post the results. Not this weekend though, this weekend I'm back in curls.


  1. You are not the only one! I cannot cornrow or flat twist to save my life and it's so frustrating. I practice and make a mess. Sometimes I wonder why I'm even attempting to transition cause I won't be able to do a thing with my hair; all the cute styles involve braiding or flat twisting. Ugh!!!

  2. Oh, you're transitioning? Wow! That's great! I've been thinking about texlaxing. I sent Sunshyne an email...I'm not sure what I'm doing yet.
