Sooo, what's been going on?
1. I kicked the Nature's Gate Organics Herbal Blend Moisturizing Conditioner - Chamomile and Lemon Verbena to the curb. I'll be going to get my HE LTR leave in again because I have yet to discover anything that works as well.
2. The roots are kicking! And because I have to be using the IC fantasia gel daily to get my buns slick, I do vinegar rinse or use my new shampoo each week because I feel I have a lot of product build up. For shampoo, I use the Jason Aloe Vera 84% Shampoo. I've only used it once. It's ok so far. At least I don't have all those sulfates and alcohols in my hair. I must say I thought my hair felt I little straw-like after but I'll be using it for awhile so I'll see how I grow to like it.
3. I've discovered 2 other site I'm frequenting these past few weeks:
They're giving me courage that I can handle these 2 textures for a year or more. I def don't think I texlaxed right cause my roots are very curly but, I think I'm keeping it. I love it!
Here are some pics... on the weekend I try to do something with my hair but in the week, it is strictly buns. As it warms up, I will do scarfs or so to stop all the gel action. My poor hedges :(