Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Been a long time, long time...

So here's everything since my last blog. Let's start today and work our way back shall we?

So last night I co-washed after the gym then did my aphogee 2 minute recon while I showered with a delicious new soap I have (Yardley lemon verbena and shea butter...yummy!) then DC'ed with DPR-11, honey, & vatika oil mix for about an hour (20 minutes under dryer). I air dryed my hair with my scarf and just pinned up the rest on top of my head. As I said, I'm not using the elastic bands for awhile...just giving my hair a break from bondage. As a result I just have a pin up today.

last night's hair loss - nothing came out in shower (relief!)
Matter of fact, been pinning up all week successfully. Might I add I just LOVE my slouchy tams? So do my friends (I've been getting veiled compliments...I think I need to order one for a pal of mine. I didn't get her anything for her birthday).


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