I won't describe all the emotions that overtook me. I am fearful that I have lost all my progress from last time all because of a bad decision.
Anyway, I am going to continue to do my best...next week I plan to baggy every night except wash night and do a hot oil treatment on Tues night. I need to replace my alter ego garlic cond so that I can use that for my DCing this week - you'll read below why I've given up the protein this week.

Dry wrap
Learnin' to grow:Anyhow, even though I was distressed, I decided to look up henna information again. It really is the root of my problems. You know what? This is 100% my fault. I was just too damn excited to try this henna thing because I saw other people using it successfully and before I did complete research, I jumped on the bandwagon. Anyway, there are a few things I may have done incorrectly that I will try to rectify:
1. I may have had a wrong form of henna - I won't be using henna again so really this one does not matter but just for everyone's benefit there are no different colors or shades of henna. Henna is a red tint...any other color or shade being called henna may be a number of unknown things (including metallics)...amd are really compound hennas.
2. Henna is protein and therefore my protein treatments this week (including last night) may have harmed my hair more than help it. In fact, many forums and site recommend you do not use protein in the weeks following a henna treatment.
I think because I saw my hair breaking I assumed it needed protein but I now realize that breakage can me caused by a number of factors. In my case I probably have protein overload. You can find this information on Long Hair Care Forums or Black Media.
Source (you should really read this BEFORE you try henna):
Henna for Hair PDF
Disclaimer: this is not an anti-henna blog just a henna is not for me blog. It is clear that if you use it correctly, you will get fantastic results. I didn't do that so that's on me. However, now that I know better, I have STILL decided to skip henna.